Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mcpa gig?

Today i wanted to go to MCPA today for the gig but suddenly i had no mood. EVen Yun wasnt feel much to go to the line was fucking long and im sure its going to be too crowded in there. so i decided to lepak.Then we wanted to see movie but same thing also. Nak maik pool also same thing. so we dicided to run up and down mcm kambing la jugak go here and there until back and leg hurts. last2 skali we lepak at borders and i read sum manga then dinner and i went back. I bought this bag that was selling on the bridge at timesquare, not the monorail one's but the bridge towards bb/sgwang. they have cuteeee bags!!!

and im still devasted by one of my circle of friends. he's not replying to my msg. Ayun and i and sum of his friends are going to do a surprise party for a particular girl-friend (that we met from this guy) and i invited him but no news. sedih. i really dont know whats up with him until he;s changed.
well. not my life to mess around with huh? But this surprise party is special cuz she's going to fly oversea. so im just paying my last respect to her.. who knows. anything can happen kan? 7 years i long and if she comes back also to malaysia every year, well im looking forward to see her but i know she;ll be very busy. like my sis ,came back to malaysia but rarely have time to visit friends. cuz kena buat passport la, renew visa and do on.

i wish he can come. i wish he still the old him, this friend of mine. i miss hanging out with him. NOT because he have a car. Its because i like being friends with him

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